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Writer's pictureFaye Coulson

From Kittens to Claustrophobia: The Story of Biomagnetic Neuropsychology

Updated: Jun 20, 2019

Biomagnetic Neuropsychology is a revolutionary treatment created by psychologist Moises Goiz. When developing his theories Moises took a group of over 500 people and scanned the activity in their brains while they looked at images of cats and kittens. He found the same areas of the brain were active in almost all of the participants, except those who really didn’t like cats. In the scans of the kitten-phobic group the brain activity was similar to the rest of the participants, but they all had points that remained inactive. These inactive spots are called “neurological gaps”, and in this case the consequence of these gaps is an irrational fear of cats.

These inactive points in the brain that lead to irrational fear are the result of a defence mechanism. When we experience trauma (whether it’s acute or chronic conditioning) the brain defends itself by shutting down the power to the stressed area to stop it overworking the whole system, like a trip switch for our brains! The trouble is that we can’t then test this section again once the power has been switched off, so we don’t have the opportunity to learn that kittens aren’t actually scary!

Since the days of testing the results of kittens Moises has expanded his work and developed the Biomagnetic Neuropsychology therapy from it’s findings. Instead of scanning to identify the response to kittens, Moises identified social and psychological scenarios and scanned the impact each of these have on the activity of the brain. These scenarios cover everything from Love, Trust, Courage and Empathy - to Fear, Anger, Distrust and Worry. He found that people who were positive and highly successful in each of these areas had almost identical brains scans, whereas those who struggle in the same scenarios showed Neurological Gaps, much like those who were scared of kittens.

So, now we know that a Neurological Gap can cause an irrational response, what do we do about it?

This is where Magnets come in!!

Neurological Gaps are sparked back to life again using magnetic induction. An inductor magnet alternates between positive and negative polarity, and this creates a variable magnetic field that can induce energy back to a group of neurons that had been switched off. By stimulating these areas it creates a state of hyperplasticity, children are always in a state of hyperplasticity but as we grow up we develop some hardwiring and establish patterns in thinking that become harder to change. In a state of hyperplasticity our brains are ready to change and learn how to work in the correct, beneficial and natural way to effectively deal with scenarios. So, after magnetic stimulation the next section of the treatment is targeted psycho-emotional coaching, which acts as a blue print for how to use our newly reactivated pathways! Ultimately, when this is all working smoothly and firing correctly we are left in a state of unbridled joy.

Inductor Magnet used to induce hyperplasticity

You may not have heard of Biomagnetic Neuropsychology before and there is good reason for that; I am the only practitioner in the UK. Like with all my Biomagnetism training I had to travel to Miami for the course, which was taught in Spanish (with simultaneous translation into English through headphones). The course is taught in a beautiful hotel on Miami Beach and my mum travelled out there and stayed with me for the duration of my training, with a view like this it’s easy to see why she was so tempted.

Our view of Miami beach

There was one problem, we were pretty high up and my mum suffered from claustrophobia so badly that she wouldn’t get into a lift unless I was there to persuade her to get in and keep her calm. I was in seminars 10-12 hours a day, so mum ended up climbing a lot of stairs in my absence. Equipped with everything I was learning studying Biomagnetic Neuropsychology my mum was my first case study! The scenario that came up was, unsurprisingly, fear. So, I stimulated the relevant points and went through the coaching element of the therapy and the next day I went back to studying and mum was left to ascend and descend the building solo. To my surprise when we met up again at the end of the day mum came downstairs to meet me in the lift! Not only that, she was totally relaxed and happy to report that she had been riding the lift happily throughout the day.

Mum and I on Miami Beach

So, Biomagnetic Neuropsychology really does cover from Kittens to Claustrophobia and everything in between. If you’d like to learn more or chat about how it could impact your life do get in touch to book and appointment or for a free face-to- face, telephone or Skype consultation.

I look forward to chatting to you.

Faye x

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